Creating an Account
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Our platform is designed in such a way that it does not matter if you are a brand, influencer, content creator or just an average Joe/Jane. Anyone can register and everyone has the same functionalities at his/her disposal. You can be a brand and an influencer with the same account, starting a campaign as a brand and at the same time create content for other brands just by flipping a switch.
Let me take you down the rabbit hole and introduce you to our ever-evolving platform.
It all starts with the....
To be able to register for an account you will need to be 16yrs or older. This is due to strict privacy regulations in some parts of the world.
Just go to in your browser of choice and fill in your email-address and date of birth. Before you hit the red Register-button you can choose to be updated on news and upcoming features by clicking the checkbox.
After you've sent the form, you'll receive a message in your email box (If you can't find it in your inbox, please check your spam-box). This includes a link to complete your registration.
Follow the link and you'll be served with some questions to complete your registration.
Fill-in a username of your choice and choose a password. Passwords must have at least one one digit ('0'-'9') and one non-alphanumeric character.
Pick the Markets where you are active in or where your interest lies.
At the moment of writing and for the purpose of the upcoming pre-sale and launch of our token, we've activated the Crypto market first. We will be activating more markets later this year.
Before you can make use of the platform as influencer or brand, you'll need to connect at least one social-channel. All your account-settings as brand of influencer can be set and edited from your profile-page. ( At the moment of writing only Twitter is activated, eventually this will change later this year once development progresses.
On the Chirpley-platform you can be brand and influencer at the same time. The switch below your username controls in which role you currently are. In each role you can connect different social-channels and choose different market-niches.
For influencers a twitter-account needs to have a minimum of 5 followers and at least 5 own tweets. (retweets and replies are excluded) to be able to connect your Twitter) The moment you have connected your social-media account with the platform, our automated system calculates the value of your account based the content. In step 6 of the questionary, you'll find the results of this calculation and the pricing you can receive for your selected services. You're able to adjust these values by 10%.
Click on the Twitter icon and you will be presented with a questionary to connect your Twitter account to your Chirpley-account.
Twitter-accounts of brands and marketeers aren't limited, and the questionary resembles that of influencers accept for the service and niche part. These settings are integrated in the create campaign-flow.
To change these setting in the future you can just click the Social-media icon in your profile ( and edit them thereafter.
Please take your time to upload a profile-image in the settings on the right. This will help you get noticed by marketers.